Foreign language requirement

D16 will complete 4th year of foreign language this year as a junior. She would prefer not to take AP language next year. How would it be viewed for admission?

She has 4 years of foreign language, so she’s fine on that score. Of course, that’s only one small part of the whole application.

It would not detract from her application (but I’d recommend taking a meaningful class instead of the AP language as opposed to ceramics or something, assuming she’s not actually interested in ceramics).

Thank you @Stanccepted‌ and @skieurope‌ . She plans to take the rest of APs available. She already took 9. Just not AP language. Her 4 years of language include only 3 from the high school.

I don’t want to change the topic of this thread entirely, but by years do you mean semesters? (ie. she took 3 semsters worth of language in high school)

No, years. 8th grade, 9,10 and 11.

since this is in the Stanford thread, have you checked the AP language credit policy Stanford uses? In order to get placement or college credit for high school language study, AP exams with certain scores are needed. Stanford has a foreign language requirement, so getting credit for the high school work done may come in handy.

A four or a five on the AP exam will fulfill the foreign language requirement and you will not be required to take any more foreign language. Only a five on the AP exam will give you ten credits.

@seal16. You have received some good answers. If your daughter really does not want to take a foreign language next year after completing 4 years this year…I would strongly recommend taking the SAT SubjectTest in the foreign language to get credit for 1 full year of language requirement in lieu of AP Language. Stanford will accept either AP credit with score of 4 or 5 or a good score on the subject test that she can easily take at the end of this year…
Most students have much more freedom to select other classes of interest once they get to Stanford…knowing that the language requirement was already “fulfilled”…