Foreign language requirement

Okay, so I’m at a local CC and according to the school I’ve met my foreign language requirement in high school. (I didn’t I took a year of French and a semester of Spanish) but when I pointed this out and the school kinda ignored it. So I’m confused if I should be taking French 1 and 2 in college or if I should just listen to my school? I plan to transfer to UF but I would like this question answered with respect to any university on what I should do. Normally I would take them anyways but I need to feel up with my prereqs (I’m an engineering major) and there’s a credit limit that I can take per semester. So advice on what I should do? Should I just roll with what the school said or take the classes and prolong my stay at the CC for another semester?

Also my school doesn’t seem to have anything like the “science elective” prereq i need to take for engineering. What do i do about that? says that transfer students to UF need to have “Completion of two sequential courses of foreign language in secondary school or 8-10 sequential semester credits at the postsecondary level, or documentation of an equivalent level of proficiency.”

What level were your high school French and Spanish courses? If they were high school year 2 or college semester 2 or higher, that may count as “equivalent level of proficiency”, but you may want to ask UF about that.