Foreign Language Requirement

<p>Is there a foreign language requirement for harvard?</p>

<p>I only took 3 years of French (1 in middle school and 2 in high school) and I got all As except for 1 semester.</p>

<p>I dropped it after sophomore year inorder to take both AP chem and AP physics because I want to go into something science related.</p>

<p>Will by only taking 3 years and only 2 in high school hurt my chances at admissions?</p>

<p>[Harvard</a> College Admissions Office: frequently asked questions](<a href=“]Harvard”></p>

<p>Most applicants have 4 years. They say it is not required but suggested.</p>

<p>Oh thanks</p>

<p>When they say 4 years, is it 4 years of the language or 4 years in high school</p>

<p>because even if i were to take another year in high school, thats only 3 years but that year would be the AP class so theres no way i could even take 4 years in high school</p>

<p>Just wanted to clarify because i read somewhere they dont care about your middle school credits.</p>

<p>bump anyone know? middle school count or not? (it appears on my transcript)

<p>4 years of high school credit.</p>

<p>i think in your case, it will be fine - you dropped the language for a scheduling issue, and apparently you wanted to take an additional ap science, so what’s the problem with that?</p>