Foreign Language Requirements at UMASS at Boston

Hello! Ever since COVID, I switched to online school, but I now am a junior and looking at colleges. I was unaware until last week that many of the colleges I looked at have a two-year foreign language requirement and I was also unaware that foreign language usually is taken in high school. I only have a year and a half left and I did not finish any foreign language courses. I am bilingual, but I wanted to ask if I could take two “years” of foreign language in my senior year? Thank you!

If you can take a higher level course in the language you know (based on placement according to the language instructors at your high school or at a college), you may want to check with UMass Boston whether that will fulfill the “two years”. (Many colleges accept completion of level 2 or higher as “two years”.)

For example, suppose you know French from home, and the French teachers at your school tell you that you are ready for French 4 in school. If you complete French 4, many colleges will accept that as “four years”, but you want to check UMass Boston specifically if that is acceptable to them.

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