Foreign Language

Hello, I have a question about taking foreign language courses in high school. As a sophmore, I have a 4.3 GPA, not including my Spanish 3 grade. I have strong academic interests, lots of extracirriculars, and a strong tennis career. Do the top like the Ivy leagues and the second tier colleges care too much about foreign language if I stop Spanish 3 and take it as a pass fail and do Chineese instead. I also speak 2 other languages fluently and am I am getting credit for one outside of school.

Stick with Spanish. What’s the point of starting a new language just for one year?

Either you have a certification (subject test? Alliance française? …) and you don’t need to take a year of Chinese, or you should stick with Spanish. Taking 1 year of foreign language doesn’t “count” since you don’t reach any usable level.