Foreign Language


I am taking Chinese (foreign language) at my school for freshmen year and sophomore year. I am not sure if I should take it for the third year (junior year). I already took the AP exam for Chinese and Japanese this year (not sure about score but probably 5 for Chinese and 4 for Japanese)
Does most colleges require (or just recommend) 3 years of foreign language?? (i.e. universities like New York University, Boston University, Tufts, UC schools level schools???)

(does the level of foreign language count? im at a pretty high level since i am native)

Thank you so much!

If you are a native speaker, doing well on the AP exam for that language may not help you in college admissions. Elite colleges like to see you mastering a language outside your comfort zone. At the very least, I would take 3 years of a foreign language to get into a good college. You may also want to try one to two years of another language. Arabic is hot. Any critical language in short supply high demand would help your apps.

i thought colleges want you to reach the 4th level of a foreign languageā€¦if you know Chinese, Japanese and can take an AP exam (and i assume took AP class in these?) you are fine.

College do have some variation on what they expect from native or heritage speakers and/or those who show foreign language proficiency through AP or other tests. But level attained in high school courses does matter.