<p>i was accepted to penn ed and just want to make sure i can take a foreign language subject test and hopefully get a 650+ to pass out of the requirement. can anyone confirm that you are allowed to take these after your acceptance and then submit the score?</p>
<p>[Language</a> Placement](<a href=“http://www.college.upenn.edu/language/placement.php]Language”>http://www.college.upenn.edu/language/placement.php)</p>
<p>I’ve looked at that site, but is my question answered on there?</p>
<p>Call the foreign language office. I don’t think you can do this at Penn, but I might be wrong.</p>
<p>Seems to indicate an assumption that the test was taken before acceptance. On the other hand, are they seriously going to check the date on when the test was taken?</p>
<p>Call, if you are really worried about it. Can’t imagine that they wouldn’t accept the score, but you never know.</p>
<p>No need to call. You can take the SAT II at any time, even after sophomore year.</p>
<p>sweet thanks mattwonder</p>
<p>can i take it after i enroll at penn? because i can definitely score a 650+ on chinese, but they only offer it in november…and i don’t think AP credit flies for chinese at penn.
but i’m going to take the french SAT II and AP french test and hope for the best just in case the chinese doesn’t work out.</p>
<p>You can just take a placement test once you get there and place out </p>
<p>[Language</a> Requirement: Policies](<a href=“http://www.college.upenn.edu/curriculum/policies/language.php]Language”>http://www.college.upenn.edu/curriculum/policies/language.php)</p>
<p>you can also take the SATII any time after you’ve been at penn</p>
<p>thank you!</p>
<p>In case anyone else was wonder, I called Penn today and they said you have to take it by June before your Freshman year (so for us HS seniors, we have May and June)</p>
<p>I’ve had several friends take it following their freshman year and get credit for it.</p>
<p>then maybe they just don’t advertise it because they would prefer students to take their own language classes</p>