Forensic Science Major or Minor

I’ve always been really interested in forensics. I applied and was accepted into several forensic science programs, both in the US and the UK (where I am not from but really want to go to school), but I am now wondering if I should major in Chem or Bio and minor in Forensics. I have heard mixed reviews on the future of forensic science. Many people say the field is growing, but I also see that people with a general forensic science degree are not finding jobs. Would it be better for me to look at majoring in Forensics or getting a minor in it?

this is very late, but still relevant for those interested. If you are dead set on Forensics then major in Forensics (if your school has that major). If your schools you’re applying to don’t have it (not a lot of schools have a forensics major), major in bio, chem, biomedical, any of those work. and do a minor if your school has one.