forgetting a transcript

<p>Iv got, somewhat of a weird question. I took a summer class last summer but didn't transfer it back to my regular university due to an extremely poor grade. I don't graduate for another 3 years however I was wondering. I plan on attending grad school for my major (economics) and I know I have to supply all my transcripts, but what would happen if I forgot to send in the transcript from the one summer class? I would never purposely try to "forget" to send it in, however I have a terrible terrible memory and even though I may write it down to remind myself, I still may forget. How bad can things get if I did forget that transcript? Is there a way any university can do like a background check or something and look up everything I did from high school till then?</p>

<p>ahahahahahahaha you’re not fooling anybody…this is the most rediculous thing ive seen</p>

<p>if you’ve got the energy to post about “forgetting” it on a message board, you’ll be able to remember it once over the few months you send in your materials</p>

<p>so it doesnt matter much if you intend on forgetting about sending your grades in or not so no need to answer your question, lest you want to be honest</p>

<p>It’s quite obvious he’s not actually forgetting to send it… But you’re a clever one, dufflebag. Have a sticker.</p>

<p>if you could perhaps elaborate please, duper, the internets has a funny way of obfuscating sarcasm</p>

<p>this is some humorous stuff.</p>

<p>alan, go ahead and “forget” to send it in.</p>

<p>1) you will be academically dishonest
2) you will be caught
3) you will be pwned</p>

<p>that’s the most unambiguous way i could possibly put it, so go figure.</p>

<p>I * know someone* who took an optional science pre-med class in summer session at a different college, never sent that transcript to his/her college, didn’t put it on the medical school application, and when applying for medical school got in without it ever coming up. And it never came up again in many years for that person. I mention this only to condemn it.</p>

<p>Well, I guess that since you’re going to forget the transcript, you’ll probably also forget this thread.

<p>** Or, hey, you know what, why don’t you just give me your email and I’ll write you a reminder!</p>

<p>ok, maybe lying about it wasn’t a good idea to begin with. So in all honesty, I took an optional chemistry class in the summer, did poorly and took the equivalent chem class at my regular university and did ok. What are the chances of me getting caught if I put in for a transfer to a different university and ultimately grad school without sending in the transcript for that one class? Every transfer app iv read says you must send all transcripts, but how do they know where iv been before applying?</p>

<p>so your essentially coming on here asking us if you can get away with cheating? boy do you have some cojones</p>

<p>at the end of the day, it should be up to the admissions committee to decide whether or not that grade matters and whether or not you could therefore handle the courseload at the given school…i would say that the only person youre cheating is yourself, but thats not quite true…</p>

<p>say you get away with cheating and are able to get into an institution that you would otherwise be unqualified to get into…well you just got into school while a whole lot of people who worked their behinds off in college to try and get into that grad school and were actually honest throughout unlike yourself got rejected for the spot in the school that you stole and did not deserve</p>

<p>besides, i don’t see an individual who came up with such an idiotic and transparent lie as yours as being grad school material anyway</p>

<p>im sure you violated some message board rule and if not, probably offended all those on here who have worked their behinds off and actually been honest about their work</p>

<p>do NOT come on here anymore and try to LIE to all of us like we’re a bunch of idiots trying to conceal how much of a CHEATER you are and trying to manipulate us into helping you cheat…now GET OFF and DO NOT COME BACK</p>

<p>Where else are people going to ask these questions? It’s kind of amusing how someone with a username dufflebagjesus is trying to check someone for being offensive. You’re obviously not a very conservative person so who cares?</p>


<p>how do you know what dufflebagjesus is about a reference to? i’ll answer for you, you don’t, and i would check myself before you started typing a comment like that when you couldnt possibly know what it means</p>

<p>the point is they shouldn’t be asking these questions and there is no proper forum for this, let alone a message board where most people are honest and work hard and probably have to compete with liars like this…what makes you think this is the proper place to ask this question? because people talk about colleges here you think its proper they talk about how to cheat their way into college? get real, bud</p>