<p>I might be worrying too much here, but I just looked over the envelope that my principal gave back to me containing photocopies of the things that he’d sent. I found an original copy of my transcript inside, original because of the imprint of the seal and signature. That made me worry that my principal could’ve forgotten to send the transcript with his recommendation to penn. I can’t call him up right now and ask him because it’s thanksgiving, but is this really gonna affect my app negatively? If he had really forgotten, and sends it now, will it be ok?</p>
<p>i don't think they'll blame u if he screws up. i hope not, anyway</p>
<p>well, I'm hoping he did send a copy. It's the thanksgiving break now, so I won't be able to talk to him until monday. And I'm hoping it's not too late, if he did forget, to send it in then. Another surge of stress.... Yikes.</p>
<p>I read somewhere that they give you a special leeway for factors which are out of your control.</p>
<p>ahh......don't worry about it. go get more tryptophan in your system ;)</p>
<p>at least u still have an outside shot at gettin in (unlike your's truly :()</p>
<p>i doubt that he forgot...if he did, they'll be ticked, and they might hold it against your school for a while, but A) i think/hope they wont hold it against u personally and, B) how many kids from your school apply to Penn every year anyway? like, less than one, right?</p>
<p>I'm the first ever applicant to penn from my school. Is that a good thing or bad?</p>
<p>and 26e, you are a little too hard on yourself, you have as much of a chance of getting in as I have, maybe more....</p>
<p>depends....no past experience with your school has it's ups and downs. in hawaii, i'd take it as a pretty good thing. but i meant that if your principal tiks of the adcoms, they might take it out on future applicant, which won't be a big prob, cuz u don't send a lot (though a bunch will naturally follow u if u get in). I though u said u found out about penn cuz a girl got in from last year's senior class?</p>
<p>the girl was from another school, a very good private school here in hawaii that sends out about 15 students to the ivies every year.</p>
<p>ahh.....idk then. and maybe, maybe not, but that interview really made me feel like crap. so i'm distracting myself from penn by preparing myself for rejection and trying to determine where else to apply.</p>
<p>of course u are ;)</p>
U of Pittsburgh
U of Utah
U of Wisconsin
<p>Free (so why not?):
Hobart & William Smith (my hometown)
U of Rochester (pretty much my hometown)
Xavier (OH)</p>
<p>So, i can afford maybe 3 more schools?</p>
<p>Columbia (i know, i know....but i really want to be in the city)
Manhattan College (wth, it's like 10 mi north of the city, lol)
Vanderbilt (be my second choice if it weren't in nashville. i won't apply)
UCONN (need safeties)
Syracuse (also kinda me hometown...hate this school with a vengeance, though. prob wont apply here ;) plus, i could run into some old, um, friends? ;))
Ohio State
<p>will being from a "well-liked" school help me in the admissions process? im applying to wharton and i think three kids from my school have gotten into wharton (in addtion to about 21 kids in penn) over the last 4 years (there are only 100 kids per class). is this a good sign, or just a conspiracy theory?</p>
<p>it's a plus if you have a high rank, a minus if u have a low rank. could be middle to a plus if you have something that makes u special from the other applicants</p>
<p>hmmmmm, the people who got in last year had worser (haha, not a word... or is it?) grades/scores than me... but they were also hella rich and i am not.</p>
<p>hmm...here's my advice: scan it, adjust the grades. mail it in with a note that says "woops, our bad. dem be de reeel grades. signed- da skool". It's a sure fire ticket to success. Also, speaking from personal experience, the admissions council highly appreciates free Ganja, it adds about 3 points to your Academic Index.</p>