Forgot a 2nd semester class UC application- already emailed for fix help

Okay, so I submitted my UC application on November 14th. I recently found out a week ago that I forgot to add my second semester political science course I am taking from a community college in my 12th grade. I have since then emailed (as instructed by a representative) with a screenshot of the corrected classes and semesters, provided by a fellow classmate. I received an email saying,

“Your submission will be entered into the system and made viewable to the campuses to which you have applied. If you have any additional application updates, please forward them to us for review.”

I know it says it will be fixed, but I’m still concerned. Will I be able to see an update on my own UC application from my computer, or will the campuses I applied to only see the changes that were made? I just need a solid answer to get this stress off my mind, because I do not want the UCs to see that I didn’t put a class on the application that was on my transcript, when in actuality, it was a simple mistake. Thanks in advance.

You did what you were supposed to do to fix a very minor error. They verified receipt of the correction. Stop obsessing. Find something more useful to do with that emotional energy. Go hug puppies. Be nice to your kid sister. Send your grandmother that thank you note you forgot to send last Christmas before this Christmas arrives.