forgot something on application

<p>I submitted my early application for Stanford yesterday, and I forgot to tell them that I qualified for AIME. A lot of my application is talking about my love for math, so I'm just wondering if the absence of any evidence that I am actually good at math would be a problem. Is there even anything I can do about it at this point? Any way to correct this? </p>

<p>Agh I'm an idiot.</p>

<p>I don't know if there is anything you can do now (I guess you could call and ask), but if you get deferred, you can send in an update with awards and such.</p>

<p>Qualifying for the AIME isn't a very big deal.</p>

<p>I disagree, it's a pretty big deal. Qualifying for the AIME is being in the top 1% of all high school math students--pretty impressive, probably moreso than an 800 on either of the SAT math sections.</p>

<p>Perhaps have one of your reccommenders mention it? I know one of my math teachers makes a point to write about it in recs...</p>

<p>Thanks nngmm and iv4me. I talked to my counselor, and he put it in his rec since my others have already been submitted. Thanks again!</p>