Forgot to add sports to CommonApp-Bad?

<p>I must've totally blanked this year, as I went over my commonapp today, I noticed that I had left out sports in my commonapp. Now, I'm no superstar athlete, but I did play Varisty Tennis for 9-10 grade, and put it a lot of hours into it. Does anyone know perhaps, if I can still rectify this situation, and whether it will hurt my chances that much, since I am applying to top 20 schools?</p>

<p>just contact the schools and let them know.. call, send a letter, or e-mail and ask them to add the information to your file.</p>

<p>i kind of did something similar but i included a resume with all my eca's is that a problem</p>

<p>e-mail each schools, they should add that informations to your file unless they have a policy against it (some schools indeed do have that policy).</p>