Forgot to list 7th/8th grade Courses

How screwed am I? I already submitted.

Basically, I took 8 sem of Math
10 Sem of Science
8 Sem of Language
4 Sem of Fine Arts
8 Sem of English

Are those your semester totals including or not including applicable middle school classes?

SLO will not allow you to update your courses so if you needed those Middle school courses for the maximum bonus points, unfortunately you are out of luck.

Seem like it would be simple for CPSLO to use the same concept of validation that other CSUs and UCs use. But why don’t they do that?

E.g. algebra 2 implies algebra 1, LOTE 4 implies LOTE 1, 2, 3.

@ucbalumnus, that’s a great question, because it makes so much sense. One answer might be that they don’t want to re-write the software. That seems a little weak though because they had to revise the MCA when they changed the way they use ACT scores. A darker reason might be because they have so many applicants that they use it as a litmus test to see who is paying attention to details. It’s probably neither and in any case, sort of silly not to just use the validation method.

On this year’s application, they have made it difficult to say that you didn’t know.

Did you complete the SLO questions about volunteer and work experience? If so, you clicked to acknowledge the last statement which is:

You have to click next to this statement before you can proceed

They also have it listed prominently on their admissions website.

deleted - I see another thread where my question is probably better placed.

Our school does something similar and I just list it as French 1 in 8th grade.

What SLO is telling people over the phone is to enter courses taken in 7th or 8th grade in the appropriate grade level. When the drop down has you choose a school, enter your high school name. The drop down will not allow you to choose the correct year (ie. 2015-2016 for 8th grade) so use your 9th grade year (2016-2017) as the year that the 8th grade course was taken. If the correct number of years for each A-G subject appears in the A-G summary then you entered it correctly.