Form Deadline for ED students

<p>Today, I visited the Applicant ID site and saw that I needed to fill out all these from by 1/5 which is tommorow.</p>

<p>Health History<br>
Disclosure Statement<br>
Parent/Guardian Address Request<br>
Student ID Card Request</p>

<p>All of them except the Health History form can be fill out online, so I ll be ok for those. But the Health History form requires signature from my doctor and needs to be mailed in. There is no way I'll be able to make the 1/5 deadline, so I was wondering if I'll be fine mailing it in a few days late.</p>


<p>where on the site does it say that? i just logged onto mine and didnt see anything like that</p>

<p>You should be fine.</p>

<p>You’re a Spring Transfer right?
If so, I guess you can get 2-3 days late. But you gotta send it in really soon since Spring Transfers will have to be done with as soon as possible since they gotta leave in a couple of weeks.</p>

<p>Where did you see this? All I see in the Applicant ID site is that the staff is busy. I was also admitted ED to Cornell but I still haven’t sent in my Acceptance Coupon because I still haven’t received my Financial Aid Package. Do I have to hand in the Acceptance Coupon before doing these forms?</p>

<p>Here are screenshots of what i got when I log in. On the left of the page there’s the link that says, New Students - Information and Forms.</p>

<p><a href=“http://farm4.static.■■■■■■■■■■/3113/3168815970_995977723e_o.jpg[/url]”>http://farm4.static.■■■■■■■■■■/3113/3168815970_995977723e_o.jpg&lt;/a&gt;
<a href=“http://farm2.static.■■■■■■■■■■/1072/3167985365_7fda59f2a6_o.jpg[/url]”>http://farm2.static.■■■■■■■■■■/1072/3167985365_7fda59f2a6_o.jpg&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>If are a spring transfer…get those forms in asap. I had friend who was a spring transfer…didn’t send his health form in until Feb and Gannett (the health center) was on his case…he was almost unregistered.</p>

<p>araneno, you’ll have access to them once cornell has processed your acceptance coupon/deposit.</p>

<p>They said they want us to mail our deposit/coupon by 1/16. Since the links to the forms show up only after our deposit/coupon are processed, does this 1/5 deadline really apply to us EDers?</p>

<p>EDIT: I got in thru Early Decision. I’m not a spring transfer.</p>

<p>Then I wouldn’t worry about the deadline…just submit them as you can</p>

<p>yeah lol… funny how they request for the enrollment by the 16th, and yet you can’t have access to these docs that are due on the 5th!</p>

<p>this is weird. im disappointed in cornell, they havent even sent my financial aid yet.
Has this heath form/etc thing happen for anyone else?</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure that the 1/5 deadline is for the spring transfers…our forms are due after the regular decision acceptances come out. </p>

<p>But just to be completely sure, I’m going to call the admissions office tomorrow and then post what they tell me over here.</p>

<p>That cant be for ED students…just cant be. Wouldn’t these kinds of things have the same deadline as RD students?</p>

<p>Why would ED students need to get out health forms and whatnot faster than RD students?</p>

<p>Why would they give you so little time to even fill it out after you sent a deposit?
Either they screwed up, or you’re lying.</p>

<p>I sent my acceptance coupon already and the form shows up for me too.</p>

<p>Anyone get an answer from the admissions office? I tried calling today but was unable to reach them. Yeah, I’m starting to think this can’t be the deadline for us ED student. However, I submitted the forms anyways since they were online. Hope that shouldn’t become a problem if indeed the deadline is for spring transfer students.</p>

<p>Dewdrop, do you think I will be OK as a spring transfer if I don’t mail the part about the physical in until later this week? I already submitted the online portion of it and am picking up my immunization records tomorrow to mail, but have not had a physical in like 4 years and have to get one like thurs or fri.</p>

<p>Yeah…as long as you get submit it within 2 weeks of the semester beginning I don’t think you’ll have a huge problem .</p>