I’m submitting my common app this week. I wrote my common app essay in Google Docs. My question is, once you use the google docs logo on the text box to copy and paste the essay, do you need to reformat it (indentions, etc) or should you just keep it the same? It looks a little… wonky… in the text box.
Do you even need indentions?
Any help would be appreciated
Hit the preview button. If it looks OK in preview, then it’s fine. If it doesn’t, play with the formatting.
I seem to recall last year my D said she lost some paragraph indentations and/or line spaces and had to play with it some. Yes, def. check it on preview and esp. make sure nothing is cut off at the end b/c of space limits. You don’t want to end mid-sentence!
There is no preview button. There is a “maximize” button and when I went into it it showed paragraphs with no indentions. Is that how the essay is supposed to look? Or how am I supposed to properly indent the paragraphs (ie. how many spaces should there be?)
Yes there is. Towards the top of the screen immediately to the left of “Instructions and Help”
Don’t worry about indenting. Just insert an extra line between paragraphs.
@skieurope Oh I see it now! Thank you- I had looked all over the screen but somehow missed it.
So indentions at the beginnings of paragraphs are completely unnecessary?
I believe (although I may be foggy on memory) that the Common App disabled ability to indent a few cycles ago. Regardless, it’s not important for the essays as long as you break up paragraphs somehow.
Now, when you go to college and the professor says he wants indentations for papers, follow the instructions.