Former University of Michigan Points System


<p>Can anyone provide me with a link to the old UM points system that UM was sued for?</p>


<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Here's a calculator: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Take note that the Engineering index was a little different--math and verbal sections got separate points, and the overall point total went higher because of it.</p>

<p>I woulda gotten a 97/100 under the old system. Straight up rejection, haha</p>

<p>Wow, the difference between a 22 and a 30 on the ACT was one point on the admissions system.</p>

<p>I got a 102/100 on the old system.</p>

<p>i found it really annoying that they group 1360 with 1500+ SAT they are really different.</p>

<p>interesting, i ended up with a 125/100</p>


<p>yes, they are really different, but both students are pretty "admissable" as far as test scores alone go. I always thought it was odd that U-M didn't differentiate between test score much (I mean, there are such wide ranges, all getting the same points) when students themselves seem to find the differences so meaningful. I thought from a PR standpoint, a student who gets a 1210 would accept that he didn't get admitted when an otherwise-identical peer with a 1300 got in. Students, parents, admissions counselors would all accept that, and no find it arbitrary or gripe about it (much). So why not work with those differences and differentiate between students more using this measure? But who asked me? LOL</p>

<p>I certainly does demonstrate how important U-M finds academic factors. GPA counted for a LOT, as did curriculum and school factors. And they still do, even though the readers don't use any sort of point system anymore.</p>

<p>I got a 139/100. The whole URM thing really boosted it.</p>

<p>YES- 104, and im not a URM haha</p>

<p>Hm.... the Michigan Review one was interesting....</p>

<p>hehe...I got a 135...yeah..the URM thing is always a help.</p>

<p>You know what's funny though...the essay was worth 2 point.</p>


<p>134/100 here, 114 without the URM points.</p>