Found a flawed BB question

<h1>13 page 672</h1>

<p>Correct answer is A, but 20 fits two condition ( kyles b-day and multiple of five). There is no answer choice that has all three numbers that fit exactly one condition.</p>

<p>well its not flawed. a number fits only one condition. here’s CRbomber650 response i didnt want to explain it myself and its basically the same solution</p>


<p>I was also stumped by this problem…</p>

<p>Basically, each number must satisfy EXACTLY one of the conditions.</p>

<p>(A) is the right answer because 14 is the day of Kyle’s b-day, 20 is the multiple of 5, and 13 is odd.
(B) is wrong because 25 is odd AND a multiple of 5, meaning that it doesn;t fit EXACTLY one situation.
(C) has a multiple of 5 but no odd number (or vice versa)
(D) is wrong for the same reason as (C)
(E) is wrong because of the same reason as (C) and (D) ****</p>

<p>Yeah i saw that but the problem is that 20 fits two conditions, not only one. B-day and multiple of five</p>

<p>I dont understand what you’re arguing the question is simple </p>

<p>and A is the answer because
13 is odd
20 is a multiple of 5
and 14 can be his b day </p>

<p>basically just look for the one with one odd number and a multiple of 5… </p>

<p>i dont understand why you feel 20 can be both, any of them could be both it doesnt actually tell you his birthday, but since 20 is the multiple of 5 and 13 is the odd number you should be able to conclude 14 must be his birthday</p>