Found a roommate!

<p>Hahaha. I took ladyconfused advice and started roomie hunting on facebook. I got like 5 prospects. I reccommend everyone to get on facebook and start looking. Its probably the best way to assure urself of getting a roommate that shares ur interests :D</p>

<p>Ladyconfused, u should be a freakin UMiami Director of college assimilation. Ur advice is really good. except for the fake id advice, i just found out through facebook a ton of freshman are taking fake ids, although im not sure i wanna risk myself with them.</p>

<p>Ok so ive almost closed a deal with a roomie. I have a question for a current student. Does UM pair u up with someone of ur same major or wat? My prospect major is cool and all, likes to have a good time, seems normal etc.. However he is marine biology major, im a finance major and it would be kool to room with someone of my same major. so does UM pair ppl up by similar major? if they dont then ill room with the current prospect.</p>


<p>UM does not pair people of similar majors up.... sometimes it happens accidentally though.... Personally, I was paired up with a theatre major and I'm a chemistry major!</p>

<p>haha, I guess I just don't hang out in the circles of people who use fake IDs.... and girls generally don't need any IDs to get into clubs ;)</p>

<p>just wanted to add that I'm JEALOUS that you found a roomate that actually seems normal lol</p>

<p>hahahaha I am super surprised. I flooded a roommiee post in facebook and got a few responses back though none from my major. :P
Eitherway at least its someone i can see myself hanging out with.
How does the whole roomie thing work? does one arrange with a roomie wat furniture one should bring. In example: i bring the tv, u buy the loft etc..</p>

<p>Didnt you have to put in a roommate request when you signed up for housing or can you do that later?</p>

<p>I really dont think you should worry at all about having a roomie with the same major! Just get one that seems nice and normal you can get along with!</p>

<p>usually each roomate buys their own loft... only one person needs to bring a tv or dvd player or microwave....... but I REALLY suggest that each person has their OWN refrigerator (that just avoids some problems).......</p>