<p>What does Foundation fellow look for? Generally what are the expectations? Will I be competitive?</p>
<p>I am valedictorian of my class with a 4.72 gpa (4.0 weighted)
I am a captain/leader of 3 clubs. (beta, science olympiad, student council)
1st place speaker on debate team and won a debate tournament
won math tournament, 2nd place in state for academic team
lettered in debate, math, and academic team. (3 years)
NHS, chemistry club, mu alpha theta
Science Olympiad coach, captain
Envirothon 1st place and 5th place
100 hours of volunteer at hospital
over a 1000 hours for a nonprofit organization and I hold various positions in the organization like report leader)
GHP Nomination - Math and Science
Camp counselor - 100 hours past 3 years
2070 on my SAT - 610 reading (will improve to at least 720) and 760 Math, most likely will be 800)
32 on ACT (33 English, 31 English/Writing and 35 Math)
10 AP classes- Hardest possible schedule</p>