Four Dorm Suite Request

Not sure if this discussion is already been discussed… Just wondering how some people who have lived in the four dorm suites their freshman year requested each of their room mates for housing?
Apparently you can only request one room mate, which doesn’t make much sense if you have two more. I could only think that quite possibly each room mate would request each other till it comes out into a full circle if that makes sense.
Any information is appreciated!
Thank you!

The policy of pulling in only one roommate is new for Fall 2017. Best way to do it, I’ve been told, is to have the two with the earliest signup dates each request one of the other two. Then have those two “captains” coordinate during selection time and pick the same room.

Asking for a friend: at this point in time, if a student wants to enroll and pay housing deposit, can she still possibly get pulled into a suite style dorm through finding other students online? what about Ridgecrest Honors?

@2kidsinky yes, if she finds a roommate online who has an early housing deposit she can be pulled in by that girl. This applies to any dorm, Ridgecrest included however all students must be in Honors College to get into Ridgecrest.