Four UA football players arrested

<p>These four should start packing their bags, I hope.</p>

<p><a href=“[/URL]”></a></p>

<p>I’m almost certain that they will be shown the door. Saban doesn’t tolerate this crap.</p>

<p>Deplorable. If guilty, adios.</p>

<p>That is too bad. I hate to see kids throw away opportunities with stupid actions. Just sad.</p>

<p>That said, I hope they do not remain on campus. Safety must come first.</p>

<p>and someone please tell me that second ave and university BLVD is not on campus property.</p>

<p>Vlines, sorry to say but that is the corner by the Moody Music Bldg. </p>

<p>I’m amazed at the level of stupidity these four have displayed.</p>

<p>isn’t carrying a gun on school property a federal offense? </p>

<p>I know that some college campuses are trying to get that law changed.</p>

<p>This is terrible. I hope the students robbed are all ok. I would think they should all be expelled. Beating & robbing your fellow classmates is just ridiculous. Did they all happen in the am, or were some at night?</p>

<p>Three of them ADMITTED to attacking two students, knocking them unconscious and robbing them. I certainly hope that at least those three are history. There are some crimes where I could look the other way, but violence against fellow students is certainly not one of them. There’s no place for that on campus.</p>

<p>crimes against anyone should not be tolerated … I would be just as appaled if they assulted someone from the town that did not attend UA. It shows complete lack of respect for their fellow human.</p>

<p>Amazing! They are given such a great opportunity and just waste it!</p>



<p>Absolutely. I was referring to “victimless” crimes.</p>


<p>I agree with the “victimless crimes” part, beth’s mom. like this: </p>



<p>as long as his tox screen was negative at the time. But assualt, theft, and carrying a fire arm is way beyond that.</p>

<p>I think that they need to review their recruiting practices. How did these guys slip through the cracks?</p>

<p>^^ I think that would be a hard thing to determine during a recruitment process. Many kids come from a hard luck back ground that could potentially be an indicator they may participate in inappropriate/illegal behavior. Even kids that do NOT come from hard luck back grounds can do dumb and illegal things. So how do you determine during recruitment whether or not a juvenile may be one of those people? A background check may not show anything if the records are sealed because of juvenile status.</p>

<p>Here is the advisory that was put out by UAPD. Looks like the crimes happened very late at night. <a href=“[/URL]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>And, this is a reason why the “off-campus housing” option scares me: the longer the walk, the more exposure to harm.</p>

<p>since these incidents happened on campus, on campus housing should scare you too. I am not being smart, it’s just that these things happen everywhere. </p>

<p>I will NEVER blame a victim, so do not take this as such. But being with a group when you have to be out at night does help with protection. Not that the times these incidents happened was that late at night for a college campus.</p>

<p>Okay, can someone explain to me . . . really slowly . . . why Williams would have been allowed back on campus AT ALL after being arrested on Sunday for carrying a pistol without a license? </p>

<p>Shouldn’t that arrest (and his release on bail!) have triggered his immediate suspension? Sorry, but I don’t get it. He’s running around with a gun, clearly out of control (based on the facts pertaining to the gun arrest) . . . why would ANYONE say he’s welcome back on campus? And back in his dorm???</p>