Four Years of a Foreign Language???

<p>I took Spanish 1 in 7th grade, Spanish 2 in 8th, Spanish 3 in 9th, and Spanish 4 in 10th. Would it look better to colleges if I continued on to DP Spanish HL or took IB/DP ab initio Chinese? I am entering 11th grade so I am subject to only take Chinese for 2 years. I'm asking about elite, highly selective colleges. Because I've fulfilled the requirement of 4 years of a language, I question whether colleges would want trilingualism or "advanced" fluency in 2 languages.</p>

<p>What HL would you take if you dropped Spanish HL, I think that’s a big question. I mean, if you’re picking up ES&S, then stick with Spanish, unless you’re doing like PoliSci, or International Business. But if you want to pick up Physics, Chem, or Bio HL and you want to be a STEM major, then I’d say drop.</p>

<p>So drop if you’re picking up a relevant HL, keep otherwise.</p>

<p>@SusieAnne‌ I would take Art HL and Chinese SL for a span of 2 years. I want to be a STEM major (biology) and I have Physics SL (which is AP Physics that my school dual-titled) on my schedule right now because I’m hoping that I could take AP Chem next year which my school would title “Chem SL” next year. But I took H Chem over the summer already. And it is also not guaranteed that that class will open up next year if there isn’t enough student interest. Or I could take the Physics HL path which the SL class is embedded into. Do you think colleges would want me to stick with a higher level science class for two years rather than 2 SL classes accompanied with the AP tests for each?</p>

<p>Absolutely! In my opinion, colleges see that you’re doing the IBDP, so they expect to see the hardest IBDP classes that you can take in your relevant areas. If you can have AP scores in too, that’s nice, but if it’s one or the other, you signed up for IB, not AP.</p>

<p>When colleges ask for four years of a foreign language they usually mean four years in high school, at least where I’m from. </p>