FPF Schedule Dillemma! (for former FPF students)

<p>Hey, I am an undeclared engineering student enrolled at FPF.
As many of FPF students may know, a lot of technical and science classes such as Chemistry and Physics are not offered at FPF. And this poses a problem for FPF engineering students. </p>

<p>I am interested in bioengineering, and my schedule for fall may look like this: </p>

<p>Math 1A
Geog 20
English 1B
Psychology 2? </p>

<p>The BioE curriculum for fall requires that I take Chemistry 1A, E10 Engineering and design analysis, and BioE freshmen seminars. So, if I don't take those classes during fall, does that mean I have to take those along with my spring courses, which all together add up to 20+ units? I'm scared. Help!!!


<p>I’m an FPF student also and if I’m correct on this, I think that you’re looking at this wrong. Remember that to Berkeley, you are a SPRING admit which means that your first semester doesn’t start until Spring itself. Therefore, if you have BioE requirements, you will have two semesters to complete them: spring 2011 and FALL 2011. Your FPF semester is an extra semester that actually plays as an advantage to you since you get an extra semester for engineering in which you can complete your breadth courses.</p>

<p>Hope that helps!</p>

<p>Thanks for the reply. </p>

<p>So, you mean that I will be able to start Spring 2011 semester and take classes that the regular admits took during Fall 2010? Does that mean I will be graduating later than the fall 2010 admits? </p>

<p>Haha, I a bit confused here.
Are you also doing engineering?</p>

<p>Yes, I’m also doing engineering and im actually an EECS major so it’s even harder for me. </p>

<p>And Yes, you will be able to take the same classes that your fall counterparts took in spring. and yes, you will be A LITTLE behind everyone but not a lot. If you want to graduate with everyone else in Fall of 2014, then I’d recommend taking some extra classes or some in the summer so you can do a little bit of catching up with everyone. but u shudn’t be too far behind because you are covering your breadth requirements at FPF while everyone else will have to do that anyways later.</p>

<p>hope that helps!</p>

<p>Ahh, thank you very much.</p>

<p>Take Math 1B, instead if you can. Math 1B is easier at FPF than on campus, I think.</p>