Franklin & Marshall Class of 2027 Official Thread

This is the official discussion thread for Franklin & Marshall Class of 2027 RD applicants. Ask your questions and connect with fellow applicants.

Chance an ED2 applicant needing full ride
GPA(Unweighted): 3.95 (class 9), 3.85 (class 10), 4.0 (class 11) and 3.85(class 12)
Rank: 1/650
SAT: 1460 (800 Math, 660 EBRW)
ECs: Mainly CS related

  1. Data Analyst for a summer program (selective 3.4% acceptance rate)
  2. Deep Learning Research with t20 professor
  3. President of CS organization (members from different parts of my country)
  4. Research lead at no. 3 organization (drafted 2 research papers published in peer reviewed international journal, built IBM SPSS regression model to assess the data)
  5. UI/UX designer of website that helps visually impaired students (Community Service)
  6. 2D game developed
  7. President of school club, generic stuffs, conducted quiz contests, food festivals, awareness rallies
  8. taught programming to 30+ underpriviliged students
  9. Internship as cybersecurity virtual intern
  10. IELTS instructor
    The caveat is that my personal essay is bang average. Will this break my chances (just this one bad element)

Thanking in advance!!!


Did anyone receive the emails about iF&M (first semester abroad in England)? Is that a good thing? Anyone know anything about that program?

Did you apply that you were interested in aboard in your app?

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I don’t think there were any questions about studying abroad on the Common App application for F & M. D23 printed out her application from Common App for every school, and nothing like that was on it. It was one of the shortest applications actually. Not a lot of questions.
But she received an email about two weeks ago about being selected to apply for this program for “high-achieving first-year” applicants (so I don’t know if it was really sent to a select group or just marketed that way in the email). It is supposed to be a very small cohort, 14 students. It looked interesting, so she filled out the form to get more information and now there’s another questionnaire (which looks/feels more like an application) due in a few days. So before she submits that one, we wanted to see if anyone else knows anything more about this program. The webpage says it’s owned by F & M but partnered with Advanced Studies in England (which other universities participate in?). D23 is definitely interested in traveling, but never really looked into specifics of studying abroad because of cost and other reasons, so she doesn’t really know the reputation of one study abroad program versus another. There doesn’t seem to be much in the way of “review” for this one on the internet, except for other people asking the same thing I am. LOL We don’t know if this is something where, if she’s accepted to it then she has to do it for her first semester, or she still has a choice to stay on campus.

I went and checked my email and did actually see an email regarding iF&M but nothing about the high-achieving first-year so I say your daughter definitely has a great chance!

Thanks! But still don’t really know much about it. I guess she will need to reach out to them before it’s submitted. Would have liked to get some peer reaction to the program though. See if it feels weird to start the first year off-campus and then join the rest of the Class of 2027 cohort in the spring semester. Both my husband and I were commuter students and never studied abroad, so we have no insight. LOL
Also, I think I misunderstood the initial email. I asked her to show it to me, and the initial email was just to introduce the program. In the description, it mentioned that they select high achieving first years for it and to fill out the interest form to get more info. So, she filled it out and the confirmation email said that they would let her know if she was selected to go into the second round (that’s where the “selected” part actually came in, not in the initial email), and then she received another email a week later saying that she was advanced to the pool of students under consideration for the program and to fill out the questionnaire that is due in a few days. It seems an odd way of doing this (between the application deadline and school decision date) because I would have expected this to be something students should have included with the application or asked to apply to after being accepted. But in any case, it sounds like any student can express interest in the program through the link provided in the initial email to get consideration.

is she ed2 applicant ? my son is also receiving such emails and he is assuming he might get in


My daughter is RD applicant.

oh get it.My son was assuming he might get in .Is it introduction to a program he received one such for Bath England and other is Scuba diving thing …

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Did anyone get an email about ED2 decision release in Feb 9 even though it’s Feb 15th on their website? If not, what does that mean that I got it?

My son also got the email about this program. Although it sounds amazing to me, he wasn’t interested because he doesn’t want to abroad first semester. He worries about making friends on campus if he waits til spring to be on campus. I did tell him that by replying “yes I want to be considered” he’s likely increasing his acceptance chances, but he didn’t want to be accepted if it meant he’d have to be away in the fall.

That’s one of my worries too, about her making friends after spending the first semester away. But then again, maybe the small group that goes away form a special bond too. Did he submit the second questionnaire? I don’t know if submitting that second one is like making a commitment to the first semester abroad, if accepted to the school. That would be my question.

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I’m thinking this is similar to NUin, BU & some other programs at other schools that if you check the box you are willing to be considered for fall away & spring entry on campus – and if offered that you take it or don’t come at all. My son wasn’t interested so he didn’t check a box or respond.

My Daughter accepted yesterday (ed2).



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Curious if your daughter applied to the iF&M program and if accepted, does it give her an option to turn it down without turning down the acceptance to the school. Oops, never mind. sorry. found out that if&m decisions aren’t released until RD. Congrats to the acceptance!

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Submitting your questionnaires is just to express interest in the iF&M program. It does not commit you to doing it or even guarantee you will be admitted to the College.

Do we think decisions will come out this week?

Someone said it came out March 8 last year