Fraternities and partying at Duke

<p>hey guys,
quick question:
what's the social scene like at duke?
is it necessary to be in a frat or more optional?</p>

<p>Scene: What you make it
Frat: Optional</p>

<p>if you join a frat do you live in a frat house or in the dorms?</p>

<p>Some of the fraternities have sections of dorms (Duke has no official fraternity houses, per se). Some of the fraternities have folks that block together, which is smaller groups of people who get assigned to a hall or a block of Central Campus apartments (for jr's and sr's). Your first year you are on East, and sophomore year you live on West, so if you join a fraternity freshman year, you can opt to live in section sophomore year. Many fraternity seniors will choose to live off campus, too.</p>

if the university officially recognizes the charter of the fraternity, you're assigned a "section" which is like the first few floors of a dorm on west campus (a few entryways in a given quad). you throw your parties there, monopolize the common room, put your letters out front, paint the bench, etc. all sophomores in that fraternity have to live in section. president lives in section. whichever juniors don't go abroad live in section. fraternities that duke doesn't recognize (either they're brand new or have been kicked off campus) fashion an unofficial section, and block together, usually in edens. most fraternities have an off campus house or two, a cluster of apartments in various local apartment complexes, etc... the seniors choose to live here.</p>