How is life at UGA without joining a Fraternity? My son was “all in” to the idea, but has suddenly changed his mind. DH and I both went to large universities and were in the Greek system.
Only 25-30% of the students participate in Greek life. There are plenty of social opportunities outside of the Greek system. Way back when, I had many friends who were independents, and I understand from current students it is the same way today.
I can’t imagine it being an issue. And he can always rush later if he changes his mind.
My son is a freshman there and not rushing. He went to a few events and decided it wasn’t for him. And he’s even less interested watching the time commitment his roommate has to make as a pledge….I think it feels a little harder these first few weeks of school b/c rush is one of the biggest things going on right now. But that will change as clubs ramp up. They’ll find their place!