Fraternities--parents' experiences?

My son will be a freshman at UA in the fall. He’s already picked out a fraternity, been to parties, met members, and has friends there. It’s Theta Chi–one of the HUGE NEW HOUSES on campus ($7M?). Any experience with these big fraternities, from a social and academic standpoint? And as important–from a DUES standpoint? I hear scary numbers thrown around.


My son’s dues for his first semester freshman year (2015) was $3600. It included 10 meals per week.

Any idea what a meal plan WITHOUT fraternity dues would be? I guess that would help me figure the real cost of the frat. Thanks!

All Access meal plan (unlimited meals) = $1,775/semester
Greek 55 meal plan = $538/semester

Those are the only two options available to freshmen. See here for more info:

But keep in mind that dues vary from one fraternity to another. If you do a search of this forum for “fraternity,” you should be able to find more info.