Fraternity info and costs

<p>DS will be a freshman fall 2014 and is going through rush. I would love to have more info on ATO, DTD, and PiKap (not Pike). Pros, cons, and cost info would be appreciated. PM if that is preferable. Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>Our son is PKP (PiKap) and has loved it since day one. They just moved into a newly constructed house on University, on the Nursing School end of the campus…nice is an understatement. It’s a very social group, medium on the overall academic side with a push toward advancing the house GPA up the last year or so… !! ( our son has managed to produce two Dean’s list and 3 President’s list semesters with a double major and a busy EC schedule whle his fun meter has been pegged all the way…so it can be done) </p>

<p>New members do not live in the house as freshman. First year costs will run around $4200 first semester and $3700 in the fall. If he elects to live in the house 2nd year, it will run around $6800 per semester all in ( Room, board, fees based on current contract)</p>

<p>It’s a good group of guys …he can’t imagine being anywhere else…Pm me if you want more detail…</p>

<p>Welcome to the board…Roll Tide on your son’s decision to attend Bama…!</p>

<p>Thank you for the info! DH and I are alumni and we held our breath while DS was deciding where to go. He looked really hard at Ole Miss but, ultimately, decided on Bama. He’s pretty much been raised there, anyway, so he knows going in that it’s a good fit. We are all excited!! RTR</p>

<p>He was raised well…!</p>

<p>roll Tide- he will love it- our costs are the same as a freshman(different frat-Old Row)</p>

<p>Someone should make a sticky thread for all Greek info, since so many of the threads here pertain to it. </p>