Fraternity Recruitment

<p>I'm a recently accepted student from North Carolina and I have some questions about fraternity rush at TCU.</p>

<p>1) How competitive is rush? Am I most likely going to receive a bid from at least one house? How many kids usually don't receive bids?</p>

<p>2) Since I'm from WAY out-of-state it's going to be difficult to attend a lot of summer events. Is it absolutely vital to attend these summer events? How much work do I have to put in over the summer to have a strong chance at receiving a bid?</p>

<p>Thanks for your help.</p>

<p>You’ll be fine with fraternity recruitment. It is not as crazy competitive as some of those true southern school in our neck of the woods. Make sure you complete your application on TCU’s Greek website as soon as it becomes available. Include a good picture of yourself in a collared polo shirt or something of the sorts. When are you going to Frog Camp and Orientation? Many of the leaders are fraternity members and start recruiting there. </p>

<p>I am currently a TCU student and a member of a “good” fraternity. I am not from out of state, but in my fraternity we have many out of state members from all over the country. Don’t worry too much about missing the summer rush activities because many of the main rush parties occur during the week prior to the start of school during freshman orientation. Rush isn’t too competitive, but do try and go to every party you’re invited to, and make sure that you choose the fraternity that feels the best for you, not based on any preconceived notions or biasses. </p>

<p>My advice- listen to what’s going on in your dorm the week you arrive and don’t be afraid to tag along to parties that you aren’t specifically invited to. Be bold, and </p>

<p>[My advice- listen to what’s going on in your dorm the week you arrive and don’t be afraid to tag along to parties that you aren’t specifically invited to.] Great advice! The freshman boys are all a little lost and unsure what do and where to go. Kids get random invitations before school starts because somehow a fraternity got your email address. They CAN bring you too. You CAN go along. At that point, the more the merrier. PS. Get your khaki shorts, polos and Sperrys ready. :slight_smile: </p>