Fraternity Stuff / Honors Housing

<p>Hey everyone! This is my first thread so I’m new to all this but I have a couple of questions. I’m coming down to UA this fall from KY and am really excited, Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Firstly, I am currently in Lakeside West in a 4-bedroom suit. We’re trying to get it moved (one of my roommates and I so we can squeeze someone else in), but not sure if that’s gonna be able to happen. So are any of you or your sons in Lakeside West?</p>

<p>Secondly, I plan on rushing this fall. I really like Delta Chi the most, and Phi Delta Theta is probably a far second, but I haven’t done much researching outside of Delta Chi. Any tips, suggestions?</p>

<p>Lastly, dealing with the fraternity stuff, I’ve heard several reports of hazing and such. Does anyone know of the kind of stuff that pledges have to go through at UA?</p>


<p>First, fill out the form and pay the $20 fee at [Greek</a> Life](<a href=“]Greek”> . I’d also suggest contacting the various rush chairs to introduce yourself and see if they are hosting any events during your Bama Bound session.</p>

<p>Fraternity rituals are mostly secretive activities. The most well-known activity is the wearing of a certain color of polo shirt and jeans on some days and in navy sportcoats on others. As for hazing, remember that most tasks/rituals/traditions are perfectly safe, just maybe a little embarrassing at times. You ALWAYS have the right to say no to any task/ritual/tradition and are strongly encouraged, if not required, to report any incidents of hazing.</p>

<p>Do you have a connection to Delta Chi? What is it about them that you like?</p>

<p>I recommend you go through formal rush and see all the houses and see who you like and who likes you.</p>

<p>Hazing has really been curtailed in the last 10 years or so. Pledging is now an 8 week walk in the park compared to the full semester nightmare it was back in the day. The harshest thing you may have to do is some yard work and a few minutes of exercise once a week.</p>

<p>There are many forms and degrees of hazing. Obviously you should refuse and report anything that puts your health or life in danger. But please don’t go crying to the administration because someone made you rake some leaves or do a few mountain climbers on sunday nights.</p>

<p>I did submit my $20 registration and have been sending a few e-mails out to rush chairmen today, thanks!</p>

<p>Thanks for the info on the hazing stuff - it helped.</p>

<p>I actually have no connection to Delta Chi. I have a lot to Phi Delta Theta, but just from the website, they really drew me in. My favorite charity is the Jimmy V Foundation, which is Delta Chi’s main one, and it just seems like a good one. Instinct, I guess?</p>

<p>I’m friends with a Delta Chi who is a very prominent analyst on Wall Street. He’s also very involved in the Greater New York UA alumni association. You said you were from the northeast, so if you are relatively close by you should try to attend one of their functions. You can never start networking too early :-)</p>

<p>Here’s a link to their website. Check it out and see when their functions are. I know they have a send off party every year for new UA students from this area. [Greater</a> New York Alabama Alumni Association](<a href=“]Greater”></p>

<p>By the way, UA’s basketball arena Coleman Coliseum is named after Jefferson Jackson Coleman who was the first pledge of Theta Sigma which evolved into Delta Chi back in the 1920’s. </p>

<p>Senator Richard Shelby was also a Delta Chi at UA. Though he tends to dissociate himself from that fact for political reasons.</p>

<p>I was a Kappa Sigma (BTW, Kappa Sigma lost their charter last fall) back in the 80’s. We pledged in Aug and did not get initiated until late Jan/early Feb. Pledgeship is a walk in the park now days. I think a person would have to be an ultrasensitive wuss to not make it through because of hazing. The biggest piece of advice that I would give anyone pledging a fraternity is to be very careful in prioritizing and managing your time. It is VERY EASY for a Freshman to get caught up in the social scene and, before you know it, get behind academically.</p>

<p>My son will be a Freshman in the fall '12 and intends to be a pre-med student. We have talked about the fraternity thing and he has decided to not pledge until fall of his Sophmore year, if at all. He (we) want him to get grounded academically before adding a major time investment like fraternity membership to his schedule.</p>

<p>Honestly, since Kappa Sigma went out, he has lost some steam as far as his desire to pledge a fraternity is concerned. But if he decides to pledge, as a parent, I would recommend taking a serious look at ATO and FIJI. Look at their average GPA’s. Tells me they are serious about their members performing at a high level academically. There are a few others that have high average GPA’s but ATO and FIJI come to mind.</p>

<p>^crimsondude -
DH was a Kappa Sig at VCU back in the day ('84). DD considered looking into it at UA but like at VCU they looked like there was always some issue or another. Didn’t realize they lost their charter. I remember his pledgeship was brutal. Good to see that stuff is no longer tolerated.</p>