Freaking OUT! 1070 Words for my UC Essay!

<p>My two essay prompts add up to 1070 words! Is that too much for the UC Admissions? Would that be an instant rejection!?!</p>

<p>Have fun at city college!</p>

<p>They’re being really strict this year. Cut them down 70 words to be safe.</p>

<p>dude it wouldn’t be an instant reject if you submitted the two essays in your application.
apparently this year UC’s are extremely strict and the cut is 1000 words-- NO MORE THAN 1000.
since you have 1070… what will happen is you will not be able to submit teh essay, thus you will not be instantly rejected… you would not have a chance to apply (that would suck though)</p>

<p>so try to cut down on the 70 words…
i share your pain though… each word means something strong to you i bet … i had about 1036 (luckily) and i had to cut out on some things i loved and finally got it to 1001 LOL!.. now after some editing i got it down to 989</p>

<p>Normally UCs would allow few words over the 1000 limit but they are extremely strict this year. You cant submit the application even if it is one word over the limit. You have to cut your essay down by at least 70 words. You are not in bad shape, my essays contain over 1200 words =.=</p>

<p>Find a way to edit those essays. You can trim 70 words. Just be creative.</p>

<p>Did they really start being strict just this year? I had no idea; does it say this on the application?</p>

<p>Ok will try to cut it down. Wow so it has to be exactly 1000 words… Bummer</p>

<p>If you exceed 1000 words, your application is considered incomplete and the system that they have designed will not let you submit an incomplete application.</p>

<p>^agreed, im working on my uc app, and they system counts the words on the bottom of your app. anything more than a 1000 and you won’t be able to submit.</p>

<p>lol! i had a 1036 then i had 989 and then 999 (when i actually inputted it into the application!.. then i re-read it and remembered one comment my teacher told me… and added one word “new” and that made my total count 1000! i was so proud of myself…</p>