Freaking Out! Can I lose my acceptance?

<p>Ok so Geneseo is my number one choice and I plan on attending this up-coming year. My senior year grades actually started off pretty decent, but they absolutely plummeted third marking quarter. Although I got As in gym and orchestra (not sure if that helps my case all that much) I got a 70 in AP physics, a 68 in AP Gov, a 73 in AP Calc, and a 71 in english. My average is a 71 (unweighted) for the quarter and I'm pretty freaked out, not to mention ****ed off at myself. If anyone knows how likely college acceptances being revoked from Geneseo are, I will really REALLY appreciate anything you can tell me. Thanks a lot!</p>

<p>I doubt they’d care. You didn’t fail any classes.</p>

<p>No, im 99% youll stay in. im currently a student at Geneseo (i hate it, its miserable) and i did horribly my senior year in high school. the thing is, Geneseo NEEDS your money, so I’m pretty confident that they will not rescind your acceptance.</p>

<p>rawrcookie92, why do you hate Geneseo?</p>

<p>Don’t get me wrong, it isn’t a bad school (rather ranked pretty high) but I just don’t really like it (some snotty students but some are cool). I also feel that it isn’t known outside of the New York area and I would really like the chance to work in some other states. In addition, this year, they just cut 3 majors Computer Science, Speech Pathology, and Art due to the budget cut. I mean my school is really broke that they called my parents many times to ask for some donations. I don’t want to go to a school that won’t really help me in my future. Good luck!</p>

<p>The budget cuts really do suck, but I plan on going in as a math major so I’m not THAT worried. I do have to say it would be nice to go to a school that can afford to pay for nice stuff, but SUNY tuition is too good to pass on I suppose. Just curious, are you in the minority when you say you hate the school? I recently enrolled in Geneseo despite having only visited once (during winter break so it was empty) so I’m not all that sure what I’m getting myself into. Is Geneseo typically a happy/lively campus?</p>

<p>Also is it a possibility to be put on academic probation for the first semester of college because of my high school grades the second half of the year?</p>

<p>Hey :smiley: yeah the budget cuts suck big time, my roommate has to take a lot of classes just to finish off his comp sci major :(. Anyways, according to College Admissions, I am not a minority. In addition, this school is mostly White so if you are comfortable with that, come by all means. Hmm… what else… Ah and academic probation: do not worry! As a freshman, you will have a clean slate. But DO NOT mess up! My friend partied too hard and got a 1.9 academic probation 1st semester. Do well and I’m sure youll be satisifed! good luck man</p>

<p>Thanks a lot, and I hope the same for you wherever you end up!</p>

<p>Rawrcookie, you’ve given alot of false information on these boards. Maybe it’s on purpose, maybe it’s not. But all of the classes in the programs that were cut are being offered until your senior year. Also, you go to a state school. Funded by the state. Something has to be cut sometimes. Also, I’ve run into tons of Geneseo graduates, and every single one of them said they loved their time there. I was concerned about the fact that it’s a public school, but when I talked to some students at Harvard and I mentioned that I went to Geneseo, they respected that. My friend ran into someone in Italy who graduated to Geneseo.</p>

<p>geneseo history: I merely spoke my mind and of my opinions. It’s up to the readers to decide whether or not they want to take what I wrote into consideration.</p>