Freaking out...Chance please.

<p>I think my stats look pretty average compared to other people on the board here. And I know I'm only a junior but the first semester just ended. I was disappointed because I was looking forward to getting all A's. I know junior year is supposed to be really tough and I guess I'm stressing out from the pressure.</p>

<p>The colleges that I really want to get into are:
UC Berkeley

<p>I'm not sure if I'm anywhere near what Ivy League schools want. Since I have time (the rest of the my junior year), if you guys have any suggestions on how to improve my stats I'd greatly appreciate it.</p>

<p>(Btw, I'm horrible at math.)</p>

<p>School Type: Public
Location: California
Race/Gender: Asian (Indian Sub-continent)
Unweighted GPA: 3.680
Weighted GPA: 4.024
Class rank: Top 10%</p>

<p>SAT I Scores
SAT I Math: 610
SAT I Critical Reading: 710
SAT I Writing: 680
TOTAL: 2000 (This is my first SAT score. I'm looking into taking it again.)</p>

<p>SAT II Scores
SAT II Math2: 710
SAT II World History: 780
SAT II US History: 700
SAT II Bio: 700
SAT II French: 680</p>

<p>AP Scores
U.S. History: 5
European History: 4 or 5
Macroeconomics: 3
Psychology: 4 or 5
French: Hopefully 3</p>

Editor of School Yearbook
Lead Prosecution Attorney in Mock Trial
President of French Honor Society (secretary my sophomore year)
Class of 2009 Representative (my freshman year)
JV Tennis (1 year)</p>

I'm doing the IB History Diploma.</p>

<p>you have a low uw gpa, and compared to most asians applying, an extremely low gpa. However, if you make yourself stand out among Asians and exemplify ec's, you have a decent shot. Good luck.</p>

<p>ECs, scores, and gpa are all too low for columbia and yale. improve your SAT substantially, and get way into one or two ECs if you want a decent shot at those schools.</p>

<p>for UCSD, Berkley, and UCLA, I'd say you're an average applicant, and following the above advice will greatly improve your odds. Being from CA also helps, so i'd worry about those a lot less.</p>