Freaking out......

<p>I'm taking my GRE this friday and I don't feel ready at all. When I take the practice exams, my math score is in the 700's but my verbal is barely 600. I don't see how I can get a high verbal score. I don't have problems with the reading comprehensive part, just the vocab. There are just so many words out there that I'm not familiar with and this is really hurting my score. </p>

<p>But I'm applying for grad school for a math related field. So verbal isn't as important right? </p>

<p>But, my GPA is a bit above a 3.0 and if my GRE comes out to be 700(math) and 600 (verbal), do I still have a change of getting accepted to a math program? </p>

<p>My GPA is low, I know, but I've taken several upper level math classes and gotten A's in them. I'm hoping that counts for something since I'm applying for math. </p>

<p>What do you guys think my chances would be?</p>

<p>Also, do I get to know what my score is immediately after I finish it since it's computer based? I know, the writing section is going to take awhile, but what about the math and verbal part?</p>


<p>Most math related fields expect a 750+ in quant, but a 600 on the verbal section is not as bad as the score seems. It’s still a decent percentile (80’s I believe) and you’re right about it not being as important as your quant score. Just relax and go over your basic math skills. I have always done horrible at math and still managed well above a 700 just by reading a GRE study guide.</p>