Free Orange Soda!

<p>For anyone who chances me...</p>

<p>Please chance me for the following EA schools:

<p>Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Location: NJ
School Type: Private (Attend a prestigious private school in NJ that has a fairly good connection with Villanova).</p>

<p>GPA: 3.43 (upward trend with nearly straight As jr year... sr year to follow pattern)
ACT: 32</p>

Stock Club (4 years)
Business Club (2 years)
Varsity Cross Country (2 years)
JV basketball (2 years)
Piano (9 years)
eBay business (5 years)
Math League (4 years)</p>

<p>Comm Service:
Holiday Express (6 years)
Habitat for Humanity (2 years)
5th/6th grade boys basketball head coach (champions) (2 years)</p>

<p>Work Experience:
Worked in Doctor's office filing and managing patient charts (1 year)</p>

Honor Roll for Every Semester
Varsity Letter in Cross Country
Commendations in Math, Science, English, and French for outstanding performances</p>

9 Honors and 2 AP courses (school offers a VERY limited number of AP clases)
-AP Calc BC
-AP Stats</p>

<p>Current Schedule:
AP Calc BC
AP Stats
Con Law H
French 5
English 12

<p>Great essays and teacher recs.</p>

<p>Thanks, and I'll chance you back.</p>

<p>Your EAs are pretty good but your GPA is somewhat lacking. Your GPA is a bit low for Fordham, Elon, and Villanova but about right for Tulane. Your scores are much better than your GPA as well, so I would say that Tulane is a low match, Fordham and Villanova are high matches, and Elon is a low reach for Early Action. </p>

<p>By the way, I got lemon lime =( (doubt anyone will get that joke)</p>


<p>(also, please dont bump the other thread...)</p>


<p>On the other thread you said you had a 3.36 (that was on Oct.3), now you have another GPA. Which one is it? Is this your predicted GPA at the end of the semester? Either way, a 3.5 is considered a B plus average.</p>

<p>at my school, a B+ is a 3.33...</p>

<p>the 3.43 is what my school is udsing and the 3.36 is what i calculated on my own. After considering everything, I figured that the 3.43 was what the school was going to be sending, so that should be the one I use.</p>

<p>I expect my GPA to be higher at the end of the sem though, but this isn't a part of that.</p>

<p>Any school to which you apply to will recalculate your GPA anyway, so it is kind of a mute point. They throw away the "fluff" from your schedule and just use your core subjects. Could that raise your GPA? Anyway, I kinda think the people who have responded your your posts still see your GPA as a B plus, no matter how you slice it. At this point, you can't change the past and you can keep on working hard. It is what it is....</p>

<p>I think the people who have responded to your posts kinda have it would be hard to predict your chances with your GPA. It could go either way at Villanova, especially at the business school. Look at the website for the typical accepted student's GPA at Nova. It's pretty high. We were told last fall by a professor at the B school for serious consideration, they would like to see a 3.75 uw at least. So, maybe the fact that your school is a feeder and it a prestigious private school your GPA might be seen in a different light. </p>

<p>You keep posting, I think, in hopes of hearing something different. Your ACT scores are great but they are only one piece of the pie. In the last 3 years, getting into the B school has become somewhat of a crap shoot. Once you apply, it is kinda out of your hands. It sounds like you really would like to go there and it is a great school, but kids with higher GPAs and similar test scores have been waitlisted. This is a very stressful time....hang in there kiddo, I have 3 kids I know this time is the worst. It's even worse to have to wait until March, like my kids did. I am rooting for you, you seem like a great kid!</p>

<p>Thanks for your kind words...</p>

<p>the only reason i made a new thread was to update some activities and a few other things that I left out. Then, I decided to fix the GPA since I didn't know what they were going to use anyways. But yeah, I'm just really hoping for the best. I talked to my counselor and she said I had a pretty good shot, but if I don't get in EA, then they will be able to see my senior year grades.</p>

<p>You've gotta keep me posted on your admissions!!! And if your GC thinks you've got a pretty good shot, she would be the one to know. She sees this stuff all day long. You do know that Villanova throws away your teacher recs? They tell you on the informational sessions/tour. What I suggested to my S was to take his recs (which were awesome) to his GC so he could incorporate them into his report. Also, if Villanova is your first choice, have her put that in her report as well or have her call the admissions office. The GC report is really important.</p>

<p>Well I know my GC really well because my grade is so small and I am always in contact with her. I never knew that they didn't use the teacher recs, but I am giving her a resume and my parents have typed up a long report on me to submit to her as well, so I can't imagine her writing a poor recommendation. Thank you for that information... I will be sure to talk to her about that.</p>

<p>It's your GC's job to present you in the best possible light, but she doesn't know you like your math teacher does who sees you everyday working your little tush off and asking those insightful questions. We were also surprised to hear that Nova tossed those recs, but the kid up the street from us confirmed what we were told. He heard that in his informational session, too. It may be posted on the website, too. It's somewhere in the fine print.</p>