Free speech on College campus

I think framing free speech or FIRE as a conservative vs progressive issue is a mistake. Some colleges give in to both political sides’ whining. FIRE has been very hard on DeSantis, hard on Hillsdale and Baylor, and just resolved a case where they defended a student at UT for swearing at the police.

Free speech is a liberal value.

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The professor in question is also an officer in the Army Reserve, and later the article says, “‘It boils down to leadership. It boils down to the president,’ the lieutenant colonel who served in (Afghanistan) added.”

He’s not speaking as an objective academic. He’s a right-winger repeating a right-wing talking point.

I’m a veteran and know lots of extremely far-left progressives here in the Bay Area. Nobody’s ever gotten on my back about having been in the military.

Isn’t this a mistake based on the first quote from your post?

Free speech is an American value, but it relates generally to curtailment by government actors if we’re talking about the First Amendment.

It has definitely been adopted by conservatives, so it is a “mistake” to call it only a liberal value.

liberal small l, not liberal big L.

I’m not really sure with a little "l’ vs big “L” signifies. I’d say free speech is valued among moderates, and rejected by extremists on both the right and left.

I just mean that I’m not implying a political persuasion. Yes, totally agree with you.

Please keep this non political or it will need to be moved to the political forum.