Free Speech

<p>I found a website called FIRE that ranks CC in the top 12 colleges in the US for freedom of speech violations. I'm skeptical about that. When I visited CC, it seemed very liberal, very accepting, and very different from my close-minded and controlling high school community. I was just wondering if any CC students thought their freedom of speech had ever been violated. The link at the bottom is how CC was "graded."</p>

<p>Colorado</a> College - The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education - FIRE</p>

<p>" Two male students were found responsible for violating the school’s “violence” policy for posting a flyer that parodied a flyer from the Feminist and Gender Studies program. Colorado College’s “Feminist and Gender Studies Interns” had distributed a flyer called “The Monthly Rag,” which included a reference to “male castration,” an announcement about a lecture on “feminist porn,” and an explanation of “packing” (pretending to have a phallus). As a parody of “The Monthly Rag,” the two male students distributed a flyer called “The Monthly Bag” under the pseudonym “Coalition of Some Dudes.” The flyer included references to “tough guy wisdom,” “chainsaw etiquette,” the shooting range of a sniper rifle, and a quotation about “female violence and abuse” of men from the website The college subjected them to an hours-long hearing and found them responsible because of their “juxtaposition of weaponry and sexuality” on their flyer. Disciplinary letters were placed in their official files. "</p>

<p>It’s really up to you whether you think they were just in punishing those students or not.</p>

<p>Seems to me like the watchdog website blew the whole incident out of proportion</p>