Freshman And Fraternity --- Suit needed?

<p>DS is attending UA in the fall. His dear mother is obsessing
over exactly what type(s) of “dress up” cloths he will need…
He is planning on Rushing … Ideas?</p>

<p>I’d say send him at minimum with a sports coat, dress shirt, dress shoes, dress slacks, and tie. </p>

<p>We sent our son with a suit, dress shirt, dress shoes, and three ties (including a couple of way-cool Bama ties) and he found that he needed all of it within two months of starting his freshman year. He was not rushing/pledging (whatever the right terminology is).</p>

<p>Fast forward to XMAS break. Suddenly, this kid who lives in t-shirts and board shorts is asking me to take him to Brooks Brothers to buy more slacks, dress shirts, and a dressier belt. He then appropriates a navy sports coat of mine that no longer fits. He gets back to Tuscaloosa and I catch him on the cell phone one day in Birmingham with his buds shopping for shoes and khakis. A few weeks later he tells me he’s pledging a frat.</p>

<p>Hope this helps. :)</p>

<p>It’s always good to have a suit in the closet. At the very least, a nice sport coat, a tie, dress shirt and good khakis. Better to be overdressed than underdressed, my mama always said…and mama was right!</p>

<p>Heh, heh, heh. Ahhh, the tale of my associate…</p>

<p>He went to UNC and rushed. He decided not to continue in the fraternity (long story) but had bought a tux to take to school with him. He was asked to virtually every sorority formal because they KNEW he was available at the last minute. He highly recommends it and I can see his logic…;-)</p>

<p>Now, to find son’s size and start searching eBay…</p>

<p>A dark suit, </p>

<p>A navy blazer, </p>

<p>Nicer khaki slacks to go with blazer, </p>

<p>dress shirts, </p>

<p>dress belt, </p>

<p>ties, </p>

<p>dress shoes…</p>

<p>I think every young man needs a minimum of one suit. My son has several and has collected ties (he loves bow ties too) for several years. He owns a nice blue sportscoat too. Once you have the correct measurements you can look for sales and online too.</p>

<p>I just bought my BAMA bound son a tuxedo off ebay. It is new, never worn, and I got it at a great cost. He’s wearing it to two proms and then will have it to take with him to T-town. (Wearing it to the two proms is paying for itself.) Maybe he’ll get to go to many formals…I’ll tell him that there is a payoff for having a crazy mother. :-)</p>

<p>As for Brooks Brothers, son was just hired for the summer! He’ll probably spend every dime he makes (and some of my money too).</p>

<p>The only people who wear coats and ties in Hawaii are lawyers and their clients–or so the joke goes. Part of the hidden curriculum at Bama has been to teach my son how to dress like a gentleman/professional and actually enjoy it.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>I’m counting on that hidden curriculum for my daughter as well! :)</p>

<p>You know, we noticed that pleasant change in our son as well, starting from when we picked him up at the airport during winter break, to dressing up for Mass. And, it may just be us, but his manners have improved also.</p>

<p>Suits aren’t needed for a fraternity. But Khaki’s, a long sleeve white dress shirt, tie, and a Navy Blue Blazer are a MUST. </p>

<p>You should probably have a few pairs of Khaki’s, white dress shirts, and ties as they will be worn quite a bit during pledging.</p>

<p>Can’t wait to tell DS to take his tux. He’s had one for years because of performance choir, but most of the wear he’s gotten out of it is at balls… he’s never thought of taking it to college because he didn’t plan to rush. Wonder if he’ll think it’s worth the closet space…</p>

<p>My son is in a fraternity, but even before he pledged, he had stockpiled suit jackets, khakis, dress shirts and ties because of the various meetings he attended that required him to dress well. He told me recently that he rarely wears a t-shirt but prefers a polo. This is good news for his kid brother, who probably will inherit a lot of t-shirts (he works out and runs so he will love it).</p>