Freshman and sooooooo nervous

<p>I'm leaving for college the 19th of August. I am going to a big state school out of state (4 hours). i'm really close with my family and am just so so so nervous about leaving, feeling homesick, meeting new people, etc. Any advice? I have just been really quiet lately since I am so scared. </p>

<p>Thanks </p>

<p>The feeling you described are VERY common for many students starting college. Accept the fact that this is normal and that some things will be rough at first but over time things usually work out. Be open to new experiences. Try things outside you comfort zone. Reach out to other people. If someone makes an effort to be friendly respond likewise. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Don’t hide in your room behind a close door. Try going to the Freshman orientation events. Get involve in campus activities.</p>

<p>This is cliche to say, but a weekly skype/phone call to your family can be a bit of a stress reliever. </p>

<p>You’re not alone! Last August I moved 4.5hrs away. I’m not gonna lie…My experience wasn’t that good. I was too shy. But it was partially my fault since I didn’t put myself too far out there. But it got better :slight_smile: Just be open and try not to be shy/quiet. This sounds annoying, but you are not alone. PLENTY of new students right now are feeling the EXACT same way. If you want to talk feel free to message me. Quit worrying! You’re in for a fun time :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Go to all the freshman orientation activities, even if you think they are “lame”…they aren’t about the activities, they are about meeting people… Sign up for all the clubs that interest you. Ask people on your floor if they want to go to the dining hall. Ask what other people are doing this weekend. Remember, all the freshman are in the same boat as you…</p>