<p>Hello guys,</p>
<pre><code> I am planning to use my AP Chem credit to place myself out of Chem 2070/2090. I really want to take 2080 but cant find it anywhere online while enrolling for classes next semester. So my question is: is chem 2080 only available during the spring semester?
<p>Thanks in advance.</p>
<p>Yes chem 2080 is only available during the spring. You should take the honor’s version of Chem 2070/2080. They are Chem 2150 and 2160. Chem 2150 in the fall and Chem 2160 in the spring. Take them it will be alot of fun. Trust me.</p>
<p>Thanks a lot for the advice, but I just took AP chem last year and sort of want to take another science class. Can you tell me anything about the class “Foundations of Biology”? I found really little information about it online. Thanks again.</p>