Freshman Classes

<p>Hello all!
I'm just wondering, what are some good freshman classes to take? (i.e. classes that are not INSANELY difficult, but that are difficult enough to challenge you while still adjusting to college life) or some really good freshman class teachers that we should all rush to orientation to sign up for? :)
ALSO, is it a good idea to take AP Gov't and take the AP test to try and get out of Gov't at college? Is college gov't a difficult class? Easier or harder than a highschool AP class?</p>

<p>You get credit for GOV310L when you have AP Government Test AND pass the Supplemental Test that must be taken at UT (during Orientation usually).</p>

<p>Depending on your major, you more than likely will have to take another Government (GOV 312L).</p>

<p>I’ve heard that Government 310L/312L is difficult at UT, and it’s recommended to be taken at a community college (unless you are a Government major of course =P). I say, get rid of the Government requirements at a community college that way you can take much more interesting classes at UT (which is what I’m doing since I took the two Government classes before I came to UT).</p>

<p>I have also heard that American History classes are hard to get good grades in at UT and you should either take AP US History so you test out or you should take those two required classes at a community college. So we are giving you some tips on what NOT to take.</p>

<p>ortaluce, that’s what my son is doing. He’s taking sophomore English and Govt 312L at ACC this summer.</p>

<p>Why screw up the UT gpa?</p>

<p>I am going to be an incoming freshman next year, but I’ve already signed up for I think it’s about $10 for a year-long subscription, and definitely worth it as far as I have heard and can already tell. You can see ratings and reviews for nearly every professor and every class on any campus and see a break-down on the percentage of letter grades each professor gives. I know it’s not going to be entirely accurate because its primarily based on opinion and individual input, but I think it should help a lot. Hope you’ll find this useful.</p>

<p>Okay sweet. I won’t have time to take any more classes this summer, but whatever. At least I can place out of the 1st government requirement by taking the AP. </p>

<p>And yea i had heard about pickaprof Deenz, but i wasn’t sure how useful it would be. but now i think i’ll sign up! </p>

<p>thanks everyone! :)</p>

<p>I took 2 classes distance learning at San Jacinto(in houston), and didn’t have to go to the building once. It took like an hour a week for a class that was the whole summer, or 2 hours a week for a class that was half of summer and it was a complete joke. Although I feel rather silly having a lower GPA at a community college than at UT.</p>

<p>If you do take the freshman government classes and end up with Professor Millstone, let me know and I’ll tell you the secret to his tests. After I figured it out, I averaged 98 on the remaining tests. He is a fantastic lecturer as well.</p>

<p>Just to let some of the to-be-freshmen know, we have our own course instructor survey. Although it does not show the grade distribution by the professor, it is a pretty good reflection of which professor is more approachable or teaches in a more systematic way.
You can find the course instructor survey results under your UT Direct.</p>

<p>i took Gov 310L during fall 08 and it was not bad at all but i did sit in on 4 other Gov classes during the add/ drop period before i found Karch - he’s an honors teacher who really encourages debates and considering i took Gov right at the peak of the presidential election, there was a lot of current events (not on the tests, but just to make the class interesting)</p>

<p>psychology - psy301
bradbury is pretty easy</p>