<p>**Because I've heard from several people NOT to take chem in the spring. So what would be the best way to schedule bio/chem if I want to take Lander's class?</p>
<p>Why do so many people warn against spring semester chem?</p>
<p>**Because I've heard from several people NOT to take chem in the spring. So what would be the best way to schedule bio/chem if I want to take Lander's class?</p>
<p>Why do so many people warn against spring semester chem?</p>
<p>Because spring semester chem is taught by lecturers that aren't as good as the lecturers in the fall, and since fewer students take the class in the spring (and many of those who take it in the spring failed it in the fall), it's harder to find a problem set group. The evaluations are uniformly worse in the spring than in the fall.</p>
<p>If you want to take 7.012, you can take it either freshman or sophomore fall. If you want to take it freshman fall, it's going to work out best if you have credit for another one of the GIRs, so that you're not putting yourself off-semester for 8.01, 18.01, or 5.111. Otherwise, just take it sophomore fall. You could also do what Piper suggests in post #34, taking 4 technical classes in the fall and doubling up on HASSes in the spring, but I would consider that a last resort.</p>
<p>One could also opt out of 7.01x altogether by passing out of the ASE, then watching Lander (and Weinberg) give their lectures on YouTube for fun. :P</p>
<p>There's a bio ASE?? I had no idea.. lol</p>
<p>There are ASEs for all the technical GIRs (and more).</p>
<p>I know there was some talk of having a 7.015 class in the spring, which would be intro bio focused on genetics. Does anyone know if this idea was nixed or not? Because if it wasn't, it'd be a class I would MOST DEFINITELY be interested in.</p>
<p>As you can see [url=<a href="http://student.mit.edu/catalog/m7a.html%5Dhere%5B/url">http://student.mit.edu/catalog/m7a.html]here[/url</a>], 7.015 doesn't seem be offered this year.</p>
<p>Furthermore, from the same link, you will find that 7.012 (the Fall course) is supposed to be the one with emphasis on genetic approaches. If I recall correctly, 7.015 focuses more on human biology, not genetics.</p>
<p>And hey, if you're crazy about genetics, maybe you should try to pass out of 7.012 and start in 7.03.</p>
<p>The fall course, 7.012, is taught by Eric Lander - who was a MAJOR figure in the HUMAN GENOME PROJECT. He knows genetics. Trust me =D.</p>
<p>Awesome. I don't remember bio anywhere near well enough to take the ASE (I took AP Bio sophomore year...) but I've been considering taking bio with Lander fall of sophomore year at MIT, and this just cements my decision to do that. =]</p>
<p>Cool! I think for many people that's a good plan - though what majors are you considering? For certain majors (like Course 20), it's not doable.</p>