Freshman Dining Program Exemption

There is a form online for an exemption request, but obviously needed to be supported by a licensed medical physician for your dietary circumstances. I don’t have any of those circumstances, but I more than likely won’t use any of the meal plan since I am korean and my mom is set on packing me Korean food for the fridge. Any way to get out of it? I tried contacting the bama dining coordinator, but she is out until next monday and the exemption request form is due by this friday.

Definitely double-check with the bama dining coordinator, but unless you have a valid reason this is mandatory (unless you go Greek where you can go down to the 55 plan.) Like you, many would opt out if they could; however, the university needs the freshmen commitment to support the food service at the university. This is only mandatory your freshman year. Use your plan to get milk, fruit and other essentials even if you don’t eat there. Also if you are sharing a suite, remember to remind your mother you are one of 4 who uses the refrigerator and freezer so be respectful of your roommates and only use your 1/4 of the room in there.