Freshman dorm experience?

<p>We just assumed that S would be assigned Hecht/Stanford, but he's in Mahoney as of today's assignments. What have Mahoney residents' experiences been like - as a freshman, we're concerned that he will 'miss out' on much of that experience, as we understand Mahoney/Pearson have a lot of upperclassmen. Are the floors co-ed - we can't seem to find that info anywhere. Also just a bit concerned about the whole 'cleaning-the-bathroom-in-the-suite' thing.........some of this is silly, yes, but as our first to leave the nest.......well, you know........
Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>My S and his roommate had originally asked for Mahoney or Pearson as first choices, but then decided to switch their order to Hecht/Stanford as first choices bu calling the housing office last month because they really wanted to meet the Freshman class the first year. Mohoney and Pearson are more upper classman, but he'll still be able to meet people all over. Of course, you can always call and try to get him switched. Once my son got admitted to the Foote Fellows program, they are all in hecht so that became a forgone conclusion. Luckily, he still gets to room with his best friend from High School who is going to Miami also instead of being roomed with another foote Fellow. That was a deal breaker for him for the program and they worked it out with him.</p>

<p>Son has lived in Mahoney the past two years and mentioned the fact that Mahoney/Pierson had several suites last year that were all freshman. They will still get a chance to meet a lot of other freshman at Cane-kickoff and through their orientation groups. I see in the other thread that your S got Mahoney floor 5. I know that 90% of that floor were Junior's last year, and most of them have moved out either to apartments or singles. (My son is one of them..) So if I was guessing, it sounds to me as if the housing shortage has in actuality given your son a blessing in disguise. Most kids want the suites sophmore year and your son will have first priority for his same room when he signs up for sophmore housing. </p>

<p>I know for a kid going off to school for the first time, they kind of see themselves still in a high school situation, being friends with those in their "class", but when they get to the U, they really become friends with a much wider array of ages. Your son will probably become friends with those who have the same interests as him, not so much just because they are "freshman." Don't worry....I'm sure he'll love Mahoney. Mine does.......</p>

<p>Thanks for the positive spin 1tcm. Appreciate any and all advice/comments!</p>

<p>hey, i just checked MyUM and I am in Mcdonald building...which is that part of? What is life like in there?</p>

<p>ridn-McDonald is one of the Hecht Towers. You will have a great time living there. Good luck.</p>