Freshman dorm selection for computer sci major

If you’re a freshman computer science major, is it better to get a dorm in the Lakeshore area because the buses run in both directions and can get to the CS building fairly quickly, or in Southeast, which seems a longer walk to the CS building?

But, Southeast is closer to the Madison Market if you eat a lot and need to get groceries or Chipotle?

Don’t worry about this. No better/worse dorms. All a matter of taste in locations for various factors- architecture, lakeshore…As a freshman you could have classes all over campus you are going to from your dorm room. Rank the dorms in the neighborhood that most appeals to you for living. Different people prefer different areas, even with the same major.

btw- the way Res Halls has its dining facilities (and delivery) you can buy as much as you want the same hours off campus places are open. Not just dining rooms but snack bar/cafe areas. Plus- it may be cheaper. And you are not restricted to the amount you purchase. Explore the Res Halls food service site.

Thank you!!

Is the CS building the one next to Union South ? I saw a small sign last time visited

Agree that a first year will be taking gen ed courses across campus so I wouldn’t worry too much about choosing a location which is close to building where major is located. Instead, choose based on whether the busy feel of southeast or the peace of Lakeshore feels more like home to you. There are dining halls in both neighborhoods, plus Union South and Memorial Union, as well as small cafes in libraries etc. so access to food at all hours should not be a concern.

Yes, the comp sci building is near Union South.