Freshman Enrollment Deposit-Presidential Scholarship refund?

My son is a Freshman this fall, where can I check on mybama to see if he got the $200.00 deposit back? I believe he will get this back with his Presidential scholarship. I don’t see an extra $200 under his Action Card or Bama Cash?

You may not actually “see” a refund as it is likely it went to other fees not covered by the Presidential since that is a Tuition scholarship. Best way to check is to:

  • Log onto My-Bama
  • On the Home page select “Pay Student Bill” which will take you to a different page
  • Select “Activity” on the top selection bar
  • Select “Recent Activity”.

This should show you an itemized list of fees and credits. Check to see that the deposit was credited along with the scholarships and any other payments. If you show a positive balance you will likely receive a refund, but the $200 deposit will usually go against other things like fees, parking, FB tickets etc.

If you don’t see everything you might have to select “previous statements” but since your DS is a Freshman I would guess that everything will show on Recent Activity.

Hope this helps

Roll Tide

Tip: take a screen shot or print out the ‘bill’ that you can generate from this site EACH semester. I’m not sure how many semesters this billing system has available for viewing, but come tax time, you will be grateful that you kept records, because I believe there is only 2 semesters’ worth of info on there at a time. This is a relatively new billing system. If the pages appear blank, they do take some time to load…or refresh.

Thank you for your responses! I printed out the report, it was interesting! I was given a credit. It showed outside scholarships too. Lots of fees were listed that I was not aware of. I had no idea that we had a music course fee, still cheaper than private lessons!

Yes, many courses have “fees”. Just like the old days of “art fees” or “lab fees” or other fees, courses have fees.
The fees cover technology use, upgrades, consumable materials, lab use, etc.

As nasty as they may seem, Alabama’s fees are actually rather modest. Some schools’ course fees easily add up to over $1000 per semester! Yikes!