Freshman Experience

<p>I look forward to seeing some of you at Freshman Experience on Wed/Thu this week.</p>

<p>Hi Erin’s Dad,</p>

<p>I hope you and your daughter survived orientation. Is your daughter still in a triple? My son really didn’t like the crowded-feeling conditions, so he moved into a double with a sophmore. Not ideal, but he likes having more room.</p>

<p>Akck, She actually ended up in a quad. It turns out she loves her roommates and thinks her RA “rocks” so it’s all working out. It’s funny - we were wondering how she would handle a roommate at all and now she has 3. When she was in HS we had to push her to join groups, in college she’s in 5 clubs and wants to start another. Makes me wonder where that college student came from???</p>

<p>Sounds like your daughter’s situation worked out well. My son liked his hall, but felt he couldn’t study or talk in his room. It just felt cramped with the furniture and he usually hit his head every time he got up from his desk. I guess daughters share more than sons. All we get is that he’s doing fine and nothing about what he’s doing.</p>