<p>Anyone planning on doing this? I debating whether it's worth it or not. It's for people in the business school.</p>
<p>Yeah, i am. its available to any freshmen entering smith right?</p>
<p>How do we go about doing it. I mean who do we talk to?
Also what does this mean </p>
Q: I am a student in College Park Scholars Business Society and the Economy. I will also be enrolling in BMGT 110S. How does that affect my participation as a Smith Freshman Fellow? </p>
<p>A: CPS/BSE is one of the Fellows offerings, but will continue to hold its own activities and colloquia, which will fulfill the activities requirements for Smith Freshman Fellows. BSE students will not enroll in BMGT 198 and BMGT 298.
<p>I am in CPS BSE and I have to take BMGT 110S. Also any major in SMith is a BMGT major, right?</p>
<p>I love smith and all the programs we can do. I don't know if it will interfere because I want to do this fellows program(I think fresh, soph years?) , CPS BSE(Fresh+SOph), Quest(3 years, fresh-senior?), and Honors Business(junior+senior). In addition to these there are many other fellow programs but I don't think I'll do anymore but maybe I will try.</p>
<p>it's stupid that they're calling everything "fellows" something now. honestly, it takes away from the prestige of programs which are already established (like QUEST, business honors, actual research fellowships) and confuses it with other basic activities.</p>
<p>just my opinion. i don't mean it offensively (because from talking to you before, i'm sure that you will actually be eligible for some prestigious business school programs), but this sort of makes it sound like any entering freshman to the business school can be a "fellow" when typically this term is reserved (at other universities) for a top tier of students participating in a top tier of programs.</p>
<p>sorry, doesn't really answer any of your questions :) just ranting</p>
<p>You are probably right. When my uncle herd about this at the spring thing he wispered to me, it isn't special if they give it to everyone. The dean of smith something about wanting everyone to have the opportunity to be in a fellows program but if everyone is in one then why have them. With that said, I am still going to do it. I guess this distinguishes who entered as a freshman and those who transfered in but i don't see why that should matter.</p>
<p>exactly...they want everyone to feel special. no college student left behind.... <em>grin</em> hopefully people will continue to recognize the individual programs for what they are (or are not).</p>
<p>Yea I know everyone gets in, but is it worth doing? If it doesn't mean anything then I'll save my time and not do it at all.</p>
<p>Is it possible that the old addage applies? "You get out of it what you put into it?" I wanted to participate in CIVICUS for 2 reasons - </p>
<h1>1 - while I am really looking forward to all that the huge campus has to offer in diversity and excitement (and I've been going to the campus since I was about 6 for sports events with my alumnus Dad - and have been a Terp at heart forever), I have grown up in a very insulated environment. I've never attended a school with more than 400 kids - and for the last 4 years I've suffered/enjoyed the drama of an all girl's Catholic school and there were only 100 in my graduating class. I am, in every sense of the word, an introvert. Participating in CIVICUS will shrink the campus for me and make it more managable as I breakout of the small town/small school mold.</h1>
<h1>2 - All my life, I have been taught that service to others is essential to a full life (yep - 13 years of guilt and parochial school didn't go to waste). Seriously - I've enjoyed practicing this philosophy and have been leading and participating in community service since I could walk and talk, in my parish, schools, and community. My desire to be a dentist was really reinforced through my work with my local health department over the last 4 years. Entering the university through a community that is supposed to be built around a "civil society" gives me a chance to live and work with others who have a similar focus - I hope.</h1>
<p>So what I put into it - are my efforts to make it a good community that is true to its purpose. What I get out of it is a launch pad to the broader campus. Four (or five?) years from now I expect to have friends from all over the campus, with all kids of interests - not an elite buncha paper doll look-alikes.</p>
<p>I guess in my naive way I have thought that scholars, gemstone and honors offer people a similar cohort opportunity. Its not like any of these programs is a concentration on gender, or race, or economic advantage - it just seems to me that people are looking to live and learn among others with similar interests and if they put themselves into it - the community at large benefits. Yeah - and my name is really Pollyanna.</p>
<p>Yeah, that is why I was happy with college park scholars. I feel like I almost have a place at UMD but then again there is the rest of the university. I'll have a group of 70 people close by but obviously I won't be restricted to them. I really can't wait to head on out to UMD. This fellows program isn't anything like scholars, civicus, or honors because we aren't living with other members but it is still a community.</p>
<p>You make a good point of what we put into it is what we get out of it. This program only asks for 7 credits, which isn't a lot, so I wouldn't say we will get too much out of it. I am going to do it because, well, its only 7 credits. ItÂ’s a notation program so I guess that is good?</p>
<p>Now I have to decide if it is worth doing because of that stupid BMGT110 class. I don't understand what they mean when they say---
Q: I am a student in College Park Scholars Business Society and the Economy. I will also be enrolling in BMGT 110S. How does that affect my participation as a Smith Freshman Fellow? </p>
<p>A: CPS/BSE is one of the Fellows offerings, but will continue to hold its own activities and colloquia, which will fulfill the activities requirements for Smith Freshman Fellows. BSE students will not enroll in BMGT 198 and BMGT 298.
<p>I am going to take BMGT 110S. They don't word their answer very well. Do I have to take BMGT 110F also? BMGT 110 is intro to business and management. The kicker is I have taken intro to business at a community college and I have taken intro to management at the same college but I haven't taken intro to business AND management. I don't want to take the same classes 3 times. </p>
<p>They said "BSE students will not enroll in BMGT 198 and BMGT 298". Which I guess saves me 2 credits but still I don't think I will do it if I have to take BMGT 110 twice after taking both intro to management and intro to business separately.</p>
<p>I dont think you take it twice. When I asked about the notations in certain course sections - eg CHEM 131 vs CHEM 131S vs CHEM131H - I was told that S is for scholars, H is for honors - and all 3 are the same course - but if youre not in honors or scholars - you enroll in plain old CHEM131. I would think your orientation advisor is gonna sort the section out for you.</p>
<p>i just went to orientation and signed up for fellows. the business school gives u a decent presentation so i'm gonna try it out. some girls and i thought it was a little bit on the bullcrap side only because it's the first year it's being done, and like everyone said up there, EVERYONE is in it..which doesn't make it very prestigious. but, i'm still gonna try it..i signed up for the fellows class so we'll see how it goes</p>
<p>But yeah, GGT, I knew about the letters but I still don't know if each program wants me to take it through them. That would suck. I don't think that they are that stupid because I would say atleast 60% of those in the BSE scholars will be wanting to do this fellows program and they won't do that to everyone. But like you said, I'll wait till orientation because they will talk about it.</p>
<p>Yeah, whiskers, i don't see any reason NOT to do it. How was your orientation? Did they have focused events with the business school?</p>
<p>my orientation was really good..i enjoyed it a lot. the whole day was focused on the business school..i traveled around with a bunch of business school kids and we didn't really go w/ the other honors kids until later in the evening and the next day. i made my schedule, took my math placement test, and walked around campus w/ these business school kids. the OA's were great, and the people were amazing. so yeah, it was a good experience overall.</p>