Freshman football tickets

<p>92 days until the official kick off of SEC football…get excited people!!! Woo Woo!!! Spent last night having dinner with Javier Arenas…he is helping my daughter and a couple of her sorority sisters plan and execute a 5k here in KC to benefit UA acts of Kindness…what a humble, soft spoken delightful young man…true testament to Coach Sabin and the values he has instilled in his players (rumor has it Sabin , McElroy, Ingram and a couple of players are making an appearance her in KC on July 24…race day :slight_smile: )…Roll Tide…So glad all got football tix…it is an experience that you will never forget…101,000 fans, Sweet Home Alabama…Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>Package B! Roll Tide</p>

<p>(If there is anyone who has a student that doesn’t plan to go to games and/or buy tickets, I’ll buy them and pay more than face value. I’m looking for package A. Send me a PM)</p>

<p>Package A here also, at D request. Don’t know why, but they’re her tickets!</p>

<p>Package A…Done! Now I can get on with my day. RTR</p>

<p>Package B here … wants to go to Homecoming game! That was easy …</p>

<p>Package B, baby! Championship playoffs begin with LSU game!!! NJBama would be proud!!!</p>

<p>crimson217 - I might put you in touch with my son, upperclassman so has the full package but not likely he will go to all the games.</p>

<p>Package B… come at me LSU</p>

<p>Plan B executed at 6:05 Am CST…son was thrilled he didn’t have to wake up…! Although I did wake him to let him know it’s done…</p>

<p>Catching flight tonight for BB Thursday / Friday…!</p>

<p>My husband woke up at 4:00am PST to make sure S got his football tickets.
He was back to sleep by 4:01.
Plan B
Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>S told me he was glad I was on top of all this stuff, as he ran out to leave for his final exam and 4 day senior trip. Got package B, he went to the Homecoming game last year and it was awesome.</p>

<p>We were up at 4 AM - Package B! When I say “we” I mean my husband. LOL</p>

<p>I know my daughter will want to go to ALL the home games so if anyone has any Package A games they would like to sell/giveaway I’m sure she would be interested. She has a picture of herself in front of Bryant Denny on her FB page with the caption “my future home”.</p>

<p>She has a picture of herself in front of Bryant Denny on her FB page with the caption “my future home”.</p>

<p>How cute!!!</p>

<p>Package A…I know alumni that can get me a ticket to lsu</p>

<p>Went with Package A – it was a tough choice, but it just ended up being the one that worked best for my roommate and I…so we managed to convince our other two roommates to choose that one too. :slight_smile: Can’t wait!!</p>

<p>Glad to hear everyone got tickets. My DS was so thrilled that he could get all the games this year!! Your children are going to have a BALL! ROLL TIDE!</p>

<p>Congrats everyone!! Glad the process went smoothly. </p>

<p>There really was no right or wrong package. I suggested B just because the LSU ticket will be the toughest/most expensive on the secondary market.</p>

<p>Everyone regardless of what package they chose will be able to see 5 games with ZERO problems. Package A people will just have to get on the waiting list as soon as it opens for the Vandy & LSU games. Package B will need to do the same for Arkansas & Tennessee. And of course you can always buy off another student if you don’t get a ticket from the donated ticket bank.</p>

<p>Hi there, my son went with package B. If anyone has any tickets from package B that they’d like to unload, I’m happy to pay above face value. My DS is a football fanatic so we’re trying to navigate how to get him tickets to all games (he’ll be a freshman and we’re OOS so new to this). If anyone has any suggestions or as mentioned would like to sell tix, we’re happy to buy any you’d like to offload. Also, some have referenced a waiting list, when do you sign up for that? Thanks so much – greatly appreciate it. We can’t wait to go to the Family Weekend game!! RT!</p>

<p>Sorry meant to say he went with Package A – thanks!</p>

<p>As with all of the new things that come up with being a freshman, your son will quickly find out it’s not that hard to get the tix for all games as long as he’s willing to login at the earliest time the week before a game to be put on the waiting list for a donated ticket. D ended up with a ticket to every single game last year, but I don’t think she was more than 10 minutes late logging in to be put on the list.</p>